Check out a list of our bulletins and announcements below. Simply click to download.
Continue to lift up Brad Braafhart, Gary Tice and Dave Johnson as they go through their cancer treatments.
Pray for IAYM Spring Body and training meetings taking place Friday night and Saturday.
Adult Bible study will not be meeting on Wednesday night.
There is no Kids for Christ Wednesday March 19.
We are collecting different items each month as a Church for Operation Christmas Child. For the month of March, we are asking for combs/socks, there is a box in the fellowship hall that you can drop items off. Looking ahead here is the remaining list:
April – Kleenex package/stickers
May & June – toys
July – washcloths/soap
August – crayons/pencils
September – pads of paper/markers
October – “catch up” month
November – Packing!!
This year’s Camp Quaker Height camp dates:
High School June 10-15
Middle School June 16-20
Little Fry June 20-22
Elementary June 24-27
NO FOCUS on Wed., March 19. Enjoy spring break! We’ll see you on Wed. March 26.
Young Friends Meeting: Sunday, March 16, after the service.
Winter Jam 2025: Grades 6-12. Friday, March 21, at Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines. For those that are signed up, we will meet in front of the high school after school. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. and the concert starts at 7:00 p.m. Bring money for food and extra if you want to purchase a T-shirt.
7th & 8th Grade Chicago Mission Trip: Tuesday, July 15 – Sunday, July 20. Information has been sent out. A $50 deposit is due Wednesday, April 9.
March 16, 2025
Nursery: Lori & Verlan Vos
Children’s Church: Mallerie E
Greeters: Glenn & Cris Lewis
Ushers: Brain L & Jim Bob S
March 23, 2025
Nursery: Peg Hofer
Children’s Church: Cindy N
Greeters: Lynn & Joan Van De Krol
Ushers: Jim Bob S & Keith V
Don’t forget to change your clocks for Daylight saving time.
We will have Quarterly Meeting on Sunday morning following the worship service.
Continue to lift up Brad Braafhart, Gary Tice and Dave Johnson as they go through their cancer treatments.
It’s not too late to pick up your copy of “Pray the Word” devotional grab one on Sunday in the front the church.
FOCUS: Wednesday, March 12. 6th-8th grade will meet from 6:30-7:30 p.m. 9th-12th grade will meet from 7:15-8:15 p.m.
Teens Encounter Christ: Teens Encounter Christ is being held this weekend, March 7-9 at First Church in Pella. Please pray for candidates and workers.
Young Friends Meeting: March 16 after the service.
Winter Jam 2025: Wells Fargo Arena on Friday, March 21, featuring Skillet, Anne Wilson, KB, Colton Dixon, Micah Tyler, and Newsong. We will order Jam Nation tickets, which means more cost but no waiting outside. We will meet in front of the high school right after school is out. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. and the concert starts at 7:00 p.m. Student cost is $25. If you back out, we cannot reimburse. However, you can find a replacement. Payment deadline has been extended to Wednesday, March 12.
March 9, 2025
Nursery: Angie Dillion
Children’s Church: Brenda T
Greeters: Rich & Karen Van Maanen
Ushers: Brain L & Jim Bob S
March 16, 2025
Nursery: Lori & Verlan Vos
Children’s Church: Mallerie E
Greeters: Glenn & Cris Lewis
Ushers: Brian L & Jim Bob S
Keep Gary Tice in your prayers as his cancer has returned and he has begun a new treatment.
Pray for Dave Johnson as he continues his cancer treatments in New Mexico.
Pray for Brad Braafhart as he also continues cancer treatment.
We will have Quarterly Meeting next week following the morning worship service.
Bible study will meet Wednesday night at 6:30.
There is a praise team and worship committee meeting on Thursday night in the sanctuary at 6:30.
We will be heading to Bulembu, Ewantini (formerly Swaziland) on a mission’s trip with Mission Discovery. We will be doing some work with/for the orphans including painting, construction work, classroom teaching, help with meal prep. We will be gone July 8 – July 22. Please be praying for those we will encounter and safe travels. – Mike & Brenda
It’s not too late to pick up your copy of “Pray the Word” devotional grab one on Sunday in the front the church.
For the month of March, we are inviting the whole church to participate in “Praying the Word for Your Church”. We have purchased devotion books for each family. Please pick one up on Sunday morning. Pastor Jamie will also be preaching on this during the month of March.
Due to God’s calling of Pastor Jamie to serve at another church, the Elders will be putting together a search committee seeking a new pastor. We will be asking for volunteers to serve on this committee. Please give this prayerful consideration. We ask that the congregation pray for God’s leading through this process. If you feel led to serve, please contact one of the Elders.
FOCUS: Wednesday, March 5. 6th-8th grade will meet from 6:30-7:30 p.m. 9th-12th grade will meet from 7:15-8:15 p.m.
Teens Encounter Christ: March 7-9 at First Church in Pella.
Young Friends Meeting: March 9 after the service.
Winter Jam 2025: Wells Fargo Arena on Friday, March 21, featuring Skillet, Anne Wilson, KB, Colton Dixon, Micah Tyler, and Newsong. We will order Jam Nation tickets, which means more cost but no waiting outside. We will meet in front of the high school right after school is out. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. and the concert starts at 7:00 p.m. Student cost is $25. If you back our, we cannot reimburse. However, you can find a replacement. Payment deadline Wednesday, March 5.
March 2, 2025
Nursery: Mike & Brenda Terpstra
Children’s Church: Joel VK
Greeters: Ron & Vickie Nikkel
Ushers: Warren B & Brains L
March 9, 2025
Nursery: Angie Dillion
Children’s Church: Brenda T
Greeters: Rich & Karen Van Maanen
Ushers: Brian L & Jim Bob S
Dave Johnson has had some health challenges while in New Mexico. He is out of the hospital, but recovery continues to be slow. Pray for eating to go better and strength to return.
I want to thank my church family for the cards, food, gifts, well-wishes and prayers I have received in the past few weeks since my hip surgery. All was very much appreciated! God’s Blessings to all of you. – Jane Vander Weerdt
Valentine’s Dinner: A sincere and special thank you to everyone that came out and supported the FOCUS mission team last Sunday night. Also thank you to those that let us borrow your roasters and ovens. Students & Young Friends – awesome job! It was a very successful event, raising $6270. We are so very blessed to be part of such an amazing church family and appreciate your continued prayers as we prepare for the Asheville, NC mission trip!
For the month of March, we are inviting the whole church to participate in “Praying the Work for Your Church”. We have purchased devotion books for each family. Please pick one up on Sunday morning. Pastor Jamie will also be preaching on this during the month of March.
Let’s try it one more time Adult Bible Study Wednesday’s night at 6:30 bring your bibles as we look at 1 peter.
Due to God’s calling of Pastor Jamie to serve at another church, the Elders will be putting together a search committee seeking a new pastor. We will be asking for volunteers to serve on this committee. Please give this prayerful consideration. We ask that the congregation pray for God’s leading through this process. If you feel led to serve, please contact one of the Elders.
Just a reminder, in case of bad weather always use your best judgment on going out, stay safe. If there are cancellations, they will be posted on our Facebook page and through email.
FOCUS: Wednesday, February 26. 6th-8th grade will meet from 6:30-7:30 p.m. 9th-12th grade will meet from 7:15-8:15 p.m.
Frostbit – Camp Quaker Heights: February 28-March 1. For 6th- 12th grade. Cost is $30. For more information and registration: https”//
Teen Encounter Christ: March 7-9 at First Church in Pella.
Winter Jam 2025: Wells Fargo Arena on Friday, March 21, featuring Skillet, Anne Wilson, KB, Colton Dixon, Micah Tyler and Newsong. We will order Jam Nation tickets, which means more cost but no waiting outside. We will meet in front of the high school right after school is out. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. and the concert starts at 7:00 p.m. Student cost is $25. If you back out, we cannot reimburse. However, you can find a replacement. Payment deadline is Wednesday, March 5.
February 23, 2025
Nursery: Curt Dunsbergen
Children’s Church: Dawn A
Greeters: Rita Carlson
Ushers: Warren B & Brains L
March 2, 2025
Nursery: Mike & Brenda Terpstra
Children’s Church: Joel VK
Greeters: Ron & Vickie Nikkel
Ushers: Warren B & Brian L
The Valentine’s Dinner fundraiser for the FOCUS mission trip to Asheville, NC is this Sunday, Feb. 16. We sincerely thank you for your support & look forward to seeing you! – FOCUS mission team & Young Friends committee.
Please join us as we study 1 Peter on Wednesday nights at 6:30. We will have our first lesson this week, but you can join us any time. Just bring your Bible.
Due to God’s calling of Pastor Jamie to serve at another church, the Elders will be putting together a search committee seeking a new pastor. We will be asking for volunteers to serve on this committee. Please give this prayerful consideration. We ask that the congregation pray for God’s leading through this process. If you feel led to serve, please contact one of the Elders.
Just a reminder, in case of bad weather always use your best judgment on going out, stay safe. If there are cancellations, they will be posted on our Facebook page and through email.
FOCUS: Wednesday, February 19. 6th-8th grade will meet from 6:30-7:30 p.m. 9th-12th grade will meet from 7:15-8:15 p.m. Guest speaker, Joel Schnell, will give the lesson.
Valentine’s Dinner Fundraiser – Sunday, Feb. 16: Food prep & set up will be Saturday (contact Jodi for time) and Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Please be back at the church at 4:15 p.m.
2025 Mission Trip – Asheville, NC: July 27-August 2. Deadline to sign up and $100 deposit is due Sunday, February 16. Thanks!
Frostbit – Camp Quaker Heights: February 28-March 1. For 6th- 12th grade. Cost is $30. For more information and registration: https”//
February 16, 2025
Nursery: Tanner & Annie Vander Weerdt
Children’s Church: Pat N
Greeters: Eunie Scholten
Ushers: Curtis J & Warren B
February 23, 2025
Nursery: Curt Dunsbergen
Children’s Church: Dawn A
Greeters: Rita Carlson
Ushers: Warren B & Brian Lanser
Jane Vander Weerdt had successful knee surgery on Wednesday. Pray for her recovery.
Thank you to everyone who helped in some way with the mini golf last Sunday. It was another great success!
The Valentine’s Dinner fundraiser for the FOCUS mission trip to Asheville, NC will be on Sunday evening, February 16. RSVP by TODAY.
Pastor Jamie will be on vacation and out of the office this week but will be back to preach on Sunday.
Please join us as we study 1 Peter on Wednesday nights at 6:30. We will have our first lesson this week, but you can join us any time. Just bring your Bible.
Due to God’s calling of Pastor Jamie to serve at another church, the Elders will be putting together a search committee seeking a new pastor. We will be asking for volunteers to serve on this committee. Please give this prayerful consideration. We ask that the congregation pray for God’s leading through this process. If you feel led to serve, please contact one of the Elders.
Just a reminder, in case of bad weather always use your best judgment on going out, stay safe. If there are cancellations, they will be posted on our Facebook page and through email.
FOCUS: Wednesday, February 12. 6th-8th grade will meet from 6:30-7:30 p.m. 9th-12th grade will meet from 7:15-8:15 p.m.
Youth Sunday: Today, February 9. Welcome to our guests and special thanks to our high school students for helping with the service!
2025 Mission Trip – Asheville, NC: July 27-August 2. Information has been sent via Remind and the hardcopies are available at FOCUS. We are asking students to sign up by Wednesday, February 5. A $100 deposit will be at that time. Thanks!
Valentine’s Dinner Fundraiser: High School students attending the mission trip and any students that want to help – mark you calendars for the Valentine’s Dinner being held on Sunday, February 16. Please make sure to sign-up for a food prep time (Saturday-time TBD and/or Sunday @ 10:30 a.m.) and working at the event on Sunday evening.
Frostbit – Camp Quaker Heights: February 28-March 1. For 6th- 12th grade. Registration open January 13. Cost is $30. For more information and registration: https”//
Teens Encounter Christ: Being held March 7-9 at First Church in Pella. Students can go through that are entering their sophomore year through the summer following their senior year. Application can be found at or on the Central Iowa Teens Encounter Christ Facebook page.
February 9, 2025
Nursery: Mallerie H
Children’s Church: Angie D
Greeters: Jim & Jane Vander Weerdt
Ushers: Curtis J & Warren B
February 16, 2025
Nursery: Tanner & Annie Vander Weerdt
Children’s Church: Pat N
Greeters: Eunie Scholten
Ushers: Curtis J & Warren B
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